Monday, May 01, 2006

Animals and Trees

This morning Evie and I went to the farm of some friends. They have two miniature horses, three goats, a quarterhorse, a dog, two cats, a rabbit and lots of trees to climb. On top of all of that they are some of the nicest people I know. I wish they didn't live 45 minutes from us! We helped groom the critters then the three girls went off to play and the mom and I chatted. Evie and I had a little time together this afternoon to finish another Boxcar book and wrestle and we were just sitting down to watch PBS Kids when her friends came knocking--off she goes! I think she is going to miss her friends terribly when we are in Scotland. I hope we have lots of adventures.

I am feeling philosophical but not real talkative, try this link for an interesting read: Minimally Invasive Education

A day well lived!

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