Monday, June 04, 2007

Life can surprise you!

We have not slept in our own beds for 8 out of the last 14 nights. First we were in Minneapolis visting dear friends. Evie rode 20 miles (in a row) on her bike and we all ate too much ice cream. This past weekend my brother and sister in law were here with their two kids. They came for "Dozer Days" a charity event held by a local construction company. You get to climb on equipment, ride bulldozers, wear hard hats etc. I didn't think Evie would mind going but I had no idea how much fun she would have! She drove a grader, rode a bulldozer up sand piles, climbed in all sorts of machines. I have nine million article ideas floating around in my head waiting to get out and yet zippo desire to sit down and write them right now. Not much time for blogging these days, but thought I would leave a note anyway!


Carol ッ said...

Great Blog!

I was tagged for a meme, and chose you to be tagged as well. Its optional, of course, but kind of fun! You can read about it on my blog.

Carol ッ said...

Great Blog!

I was tagged for a meme, and chose you to be tagged as well. Its optional, of course, but kind of fun! You can read about it on my blog.