Monday, January 30, 2006

Coffee, Pokemon and Snuggles

I know NOTHING about Pokemon--Evie doesn't either. Evie's friend across the street has just been introduced to it -- he really doesn't know anything either! Right now they are sitting in the living room assigning gender and additional powers to the friend's various Pokemon characters. I wonder what she will pick up? We got a Pokemon movie at the library today, maybe that will help.

I woke up this morning feeling rundown and yucky. I slept later than usual and didn't do my morning workout. After a snuggle breakfast watching Carmen Sandiego (you may notice a theme if you have read my past posts!) we started on our valentines. Evie is so creative! Then we hid the finished valentines in a weird secret compartment we have in our linen closet!

We went out for coffee and pastry and played a few games of chinese checkers and mancala at the coffee shop and read our own books. We stopped at a library we're never been to before, it was beautiful. Home for another movie (Madeline Spooktacular) and then friends over.

We read a Pokemon book this evening. What an interesting plot! Humans are Pokemon trainers and the Pokemons fight one another to allow the humans to gain badges to win prestige and power. The Pokemons all have interesting powers and there are "further evolved" versions of each Pokemon. I am not sure I see the appeal. I think it is really interesting that the humans may have a whole arsenal of Pokemons to fight another human. My gut reaction is that Pokemon were created out of someone's longing for power and control. Maybe that is why they are SO popular with school kids. I am interested to learn more. Evie liked the story but I don't think she will delve too far into it all, only time will tell!

Our dinner plans got cancelled so we made an easy supper followed by homemade apple pie and now we are playing cards before a bath and sleep. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

A day well lived!

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