Saturday, May 01, 2010

Las Tres Senoritas, Concinando -- Now with Added Fashion!

So, Evie and her two cooking cohorts outdid themselves last night with a vegan buffet feast and fashion show complete with three design companies each of which produced three designs, one in each of the following categories: formal, casual and "totally whacked!"

Evie's designer name was "Annie Mona Poeia" and her company was "Onomatopoetic Fashions," her motto, "Your clothes should sound like you!

The other two were:
Designer: Annie Pierce, company: Fashion Fillies
Designer: Okey Dokey, company: Acorn Designs

These girls planned, sewed, giggled, researched, wrote scripts, organized and had a BLAST! The meal theme was a total secret, even from me, and we were hosting! The whole thing went off without a hitch. Afterward we all got silly. Scott broke out some break dancing moves, we cranked up the music and danced, the three girls played a concert on various instruments and we all laughed our heads off.

I am so blown away by how awesome those three girls are. They are curious, bold, gentle, caring, competent, supportive of each other and all around fabulous. Good, good stuff!


Stephanie said...

yay Evie's friends!!

I just love Evie stories.
I wish she lived on my street so she could come over and tell me things that would make me smile.

Jodi said...

And I think their fashions are delightful! They all have a bright, bright future.

tiff said...

this is amazing...look at all they have fun to see the final products!


what a fun & fabulous evening.