Sunday, July 26, 2009

Xiphoid Process and Swiss Cheese

So, in addition to baking , cleaning, gardening and laundering yesterday, Evie and I went to a park to try some crazy stuff. We have become mildly obsessed with Parkour and have taken challenging each other to various zany ways to get on, around, over through various pieces of park equipment and obstacles. I fell down a pole yesterday (no that is not a typo) and seriously bruised my xiphoid process. There is a great YouTube documentary on the subject at: There are also approximately 12, 365, 120 Parkour and Free Running videos on YouTube--sit down with your whole family. My arms are killing me.

So, today we decided to head south and we visited the Glarus Swiss Historical Village and Museum. It was fabulous and sparked lots of discussion. Evie got to ring the church bell and I got to play the pump organ.

This was followed by a pinic with local cheese, more park shenanigans and then a hike in the woods. We are now "plumb wore out" and quite happy about it. This was the first weekend in a LOOOOOOONG time we got to spend all together. As Scott often says, "I love our family!"


mommypie said...

Ooooo--look at the stove! I must find this place...

Lynch Family said...

I actually took that picture just for you!