Thursday, December 20, 2007

Movie Christmas

After a somewhat harrowing journey across the country (think white-out in Indiana) we are happily ensconced in a movie Christmas. We are in New England, candles glow from every window, the ground is thickly piled with snow, flakes drift lazily out of the sky--it is wonderful. I am sleeping past 4 am every day, we are laughing until we cry, baking until we are flour-covered and decorating and enjoying each other. We built a snow cave--I even gave blood yesterday (a tradition for me). We are content--a very nice thing.

Happy Solstice (I think it is technically the 23rd this year but we always celebrate on the 20th because it is Evie's 3/4 b-day). Blessing and happiness and contentment to you all.

This season of celebrations is so important for our souls. We stop and rejoice and revel when it is so dark and bleak outside. As humans we cannot always drive ourselves, we have to remember to celebrate--so whoop it up people! It is good for all of us!

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