Thursday, February 01, 2007

Caloo, Callay!

I chortled with joy today to be back at home in our wonderful life. The morning started with exercise for me and reading for Evie. I balanced the checkbook while Evie worked on some really big addition and subraction probems (she loves to do math with place values into the trillions--I did too when I was her age). We had breakfast as a family, Evie and I spent a few hours making superhero ATCs for a trade we are hosting next week. I talked on the phone off and on with friends. Then Evie and I went ice skating at a local outdoor rink, the ice was beautiful! We came home, mixed up some food coloring water and painted the backyard with pastry brushes and syringes. After a nice lunch we went skiiing (cross-country). We did the hard loop at our usual place, first time for Evie on the hard course which includes a whopper of an uphill. We had a blast. This afternon has been filled with Cirque du Soleil reenactments and friends and chocolate chip cookies. Tonight is speedskating for Scott and Evie and laundry folding for me. Damn this is a good life!

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